Course Unbox

Cancellation by Course Unbox: Regrettably, some purchase orders cannot be processed and subsequently must be canceled by Course Unbox. The company reserves the absolute discretion to reject or cancel any order for myriad reasons. Circumstances that may necessitate your order’s cancellation encompass, but are not restricted to unavailability of the requested product or service, invalid quantities ordered by you, inaccuracies in pricing information, or concerns raised by our credit and fraud prevention division. Moreover, Course Unbox may seek additional verification details or further information before endorsing any requests made through us. If a portion or all of your order is annulled or if supplementary data is deemed necessary for processing your request – Course Unbox will ensure direct communication with you.

Cancellation by the User: In the event that an order cancellation is requested, please be aware that Course Unbox retains the sole authority to either approve or decline such requests for any given reason. If your order has already been processed, Course Unbox will not have the capacity to carry out its cancellation. The ultimate determination of whether an order has been processed falls under the jurisdiction of Course Unbox. By placing your order with us, you expressively concur and agree to abide by Course Unbox’s decision related to your cancellation request without initiating any form of dispute.

Refund: Upon your acquisition of our products or services, please be apprised that due to the specific inherent business parameters, Course Unbox does not accommodate any form of reimbursement policy. Should you encounter any level of dissatisfaction pertaining to our range of Courses offered, we kindly request the voicing of such concerns to our dedicated Customer Service team within a strict 48-hour period following receipt of the product. Following a thorough investigation into your voiced objections by our Customer Service Team, an informed resolution will be effectuated accordingly.